
For any executive search company looking for candidates in the Dutch market the proces can be daunting. Where do you get your contacts from? Local executive search agencies, cold calling, fairs, LinkedIn? Some options are labour intensive, expensive or don't provide the level of discretion that you are looking for. We will help you set up that crucial contact with potential candidates giving you a head start and letting you focus on your existing clients and contacts. We will provide you with a comprehensive list of contacts with full contact details from any segment you are interested in.
Candidates in the Netherlands
If you are looking for candidates in the Netherlands look no further. We will help you find exactly what you need. Our extensive network in the Netherlands allows us to provide you with a list of people matching your search criteria. You remain in charge of the search and you decide which candidates you meet.
We will provide a long-list of people matching general criteria like education, experience, job title and field of expertise. But also we can provide you with a short-list of people providing you with a profile description, their full resume, the current remuneration package and other “soft” information. If desired we can also provide a full assessment report.

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Candidates from the Netherlands

As citizens of the world the Dutch are becoming more and more flexible. No longer bound by the Netherlands they are looking to spread their wings and work abroad and let companies outside the Netherlands profit from their excellent education, work ethics and open-mindedness.
We will help you find the candidates you are looking for making sure the candidates are aware of cultural differences and have ability to adapt to new environments.